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Thursday, August 11, 2011

“ménage a trois”

Come across this French word “ménage a trois”(from Katie Perry’s T.G.I.F.). Liked the way it is pronounced – manaj a trwa (sorry, don’t know how to use the dictionary-type way of presenting a pronunciation).

Hope to use it in my, sort of “apple of the mouth” word until new word comes along (Last time was iridescent (inspired by Linkin’ Park’s song, yes it is).

So, I googled its meaning.
And to my “slight” dismay, it means “threesome” (shortest explanation).
Not explicit. Not lewd.
But inappropriate for an ordinary conversation.

But, it wouldn’t be a waste. ‘Coz I know whom I could practice to say this words.
Till next High School reunion!(“,)
Man's wants are insatiable...that is a fact. He can have everything but he still would want more.
He remains restless and unsatisfied.

So, why must he be afraid or unhappy for unfulfilled dreams, unattained goals, un-having what he wishes for or what he wants? These massive setbacks should not be an excuse for not enjoying life.

In every situation, there is the so-called "yin and yang" (good and bad).
How you view your life's drama is just a matter of perspective.

Getting bruised or battered or even shattered are so natural like a leaf falls from the tree it has attached to.
What's important is you have the courage and patience to mend your brokenness.

Life is larger than what our multi-celled brain could comprehend and imagine.
Explore. Hope. Live. Love. Without Fears