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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Man's wants are insatiable...that is a fact. He can have everything but he still would want more.
He remains restless and unsatisfied.

So, why must he be afraid or unhappy for unfulfilled dreams, unattained goals, un-having what he wishes for or what he wants? These massive setbacks should not be an excuse for not enjoying life.

In every situation, there is the so-called "yin and yang" (good and bad).
How you view your life's drama is just a matter of perspective.

Getting bruised or battered or even shattered are so natural like a leaf falls from the tree it has attached to.
What's important is you have the courage and patience to mend your brokenness.

Life is larger than what our multi-celled brain could comprehend and imagine.
Explore. Hope. Live. Love. Without Fears

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