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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As Christmas is fast approaching, so is my mind from wandering to one past Christmas to another.  And I can’t help being nostalgic about it.  Here are what I miss most…
1.       Going out from house to house with my friends after 12 o’clock…
Drawn to different career paths and different priorities now, my friends have stopped going to our house.  We seldom see each other now (Mylyn, Ruvelma, Mng. Lino and other elementary friends) much more to meet after 12 a.m. on Christmas day to do some house hopping to savor each delicious food prepared in each others house. :c

2.       Buying some gifts with my friends in COA-Bagabag
Though being contractual in COA-Bagabag equates to meager bonus, we still so look forward to it.  Just upon receiving it, we would immediately go to Caringal Store or in  Solano to buy some groceries and gifts for the Christmas as if we have lots of money to spend with.(“,)  I miss the company of Ate Julie, Gem and Kuya Gerald (though he’s not with us when we are on our buying spree).  They are the few people I have really bonded in the real-est and truest sense.  The memories we had are priceless and “the best joke of the century”, ‘coz we really had funny moments together!  Love you guys and I miss spending Christmas with you!  

3.      Spending Christmas as one WHOLE family
This one is what I miss the most.  Since I could remember, until my sister went to Florida to work, we spend Christmas all together - my Dad, my Mom, my Ate, my Kuya, me and on the later years my Ading.  We were not allowed to go out on Christmas eve so we were together when 12 o’clock strikes.  We don’t do anything special or partying, we would just hug one another, kiss and say “Merry Christmas!” just as the clock had turned 12 o’clock.   Then we eat…Just like that.  But I sooo miss having this moment.  Just knowing they are there and seeing them so near are so comforting and so meaningful for me.  And I don’t know when will this moment happen again… sigh! :’c

1 comment:

  1. ano ba yan. na-t-teary eyed ako kaninang umaga.

    tapos, nabasa ko pa to...

    kasalanan mo to. joke.
