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Monday, December 6, 2010


When we went to Bacolod, we were clueless to where should we visit.  Luckily, two auditors from region went with us and suggested that we should visit the "the RUINS".  So, they told our driver to go there.  The driver repeatedly asked to them what place are we going. and the two auditors alternately asnwered him, "The Ruins, Kuya."  But it seems the driver is not familiar with the site we wanted to go.  So, we drove by, halting at some point as the driver asked for direction.  Since nobody knew how to speak their language, we let the driver do the inquiry.  We were beginning to get uneasy to our seats as the driver were still clueless to our destination.  After at least 2 stops and one u-turn, finally the driver made a stop at the middle of nowhere.  We just waited as he set off in the highway by foot to ask somebody. 

When he finally came back, we knew from the look in his face that he finally know where he is going.  He said something to Ate Floreen who sat beside him which made her laugh.  surprise to her reaction, we all were curious to what the driver said.  So, ATe floreen copying the Visayan accent told us what he said, "RUINS pala ang pangalan, hindi DARWIN's!!!" 

The Taj Mahal of Negros
One of the 12 most fascinating ruins in the world

And as we pass along the streets of Iloilo city, we saw this structure.... 

(Har har har!)


  1. It was indeed a trip worth remembering...thanks to the jeepney driver who patiently drove us to our destination, "The Ruins", eventhough we had a little "miscommunication"....

  2. Haha! That "miscommunication" gave us a really good laugh, making the trip more unforgettable!
