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Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Most of us love sunsets… and I’m one of them…
But I’ve known few who don’t enjoy so much.  Maybe because sunset  brings a somber mood and has a way of making you lonelier three times over.  Sunset effectively magnifies your current emotions, usually or specially when you are sad, guilty of something, problematic, or even when in-love.   With all the shades of yellow, orange and red changing overhead and with the warm air submitting to the windy and colder breeze of a nearing nightfall, it is inevitable to feel that way.  Sigh!
But for me, I’m always awed by how glorious it looked.  At times, as I look at the setting sun, my thoughts race to where my life had been and where I am.  As much as it gives me shame, guilt and regret for the mistakes I’ve done, I become hopeful, renewed, and mostly appreciative life has offered me.  As the rays of the sun stretch through the clouds, and as shade of crimson red (or yellow and orange sometimes) diffused over the expanse of the sky, I have this funny imagination that God is literally behind the clouds, looking over the world.   It is in this moment that I never doubted the existence of God.  I’m always thinking He’s closest to the world during this glorious phenomenon, the setting of the sun.
This is maybe the reason why I always wanted to capture each sunset everywhere I travel, a subconscious personal attestation that God is everywhere I am. 
So, wherever you are, look over the horizon, you might catch a glimpse of the gloriousness of the setting sun!
 Claveria, Cagayan
 Boracay sunset - 2
 PAgudpud, Ilocos Norte
 Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
Bintawan, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Sta. Lucia, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

1 comment:

  1. sounds familiar....

    i love that last picture. although most of the time, the scene I always see is the sunrise when I travel back home from Manila.

    I've always loved Sta. Lucia. I imagined my late grandfather might have wanted that place, too; but people from Ilocos Sur already invaded that area so I guess, he settled for the eastern part of Paniki. Hahaha.

    Excited? Gawin ko na lang na blog post ang topic na to pag may time na ulit ako.
